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Topic wise Question Discussion - LDC 2012 in Govt of Puducherry


Topic wise Question Discussion (STATIC GK)

LDC(Lower Division Clerk) Previous Year Question paper in Government of Puducehrry in 2012 –  CLICK HERE

Topic wise question asked in the LDC 2012 in Govt of Puducherry

Number of Question asked in Topic wise: 21

1. Question NO:3 (Topic Name: Census)

3.The state/union territory of India  which has larger female population than male population as per 2011 Census is

(A) West Bengal

(B) Mizoram

(C) Nagaland

(D) Puducherry


2. Question NO:5 (Topic Name: Day & Reason)

5. Whose birthday has been celebrated  as National Mathematics Day in India

(A) Srinivasa Ramanujam

(B) C.V. Raman

(C) Amartya Sen

(D) H.C. Bose


3. Question No:6 (Topic Name: Organization & Founder)

6. The Theosophical Society was first established in

(A) New York

(B) London

(C) Paris

(D) Chennai


4. Question No: 12 (Topic Name: Indian Defense)

12. In the context of the Indian defence, what is Dhruv?

(A) Aircraft-carrying ship

(B) Missile-carrying submarine

(C) Advanced light Helicopter

(D) Intercontinental ballistic missile


5. Question No: 17 (Topic Name: Indian Irrigation)

17. Which state has the largest- areas under tank irrigation?

(A) Tamil Nadu

(B) Orissa

(C) West Bengal

(D) Karnataka


6. Question No:18 (Topic Name: River & origin)

18. Which one of the following rivers does not originate in India?

(A) ' Beas

(B) Cheenab

(C) Ravi

(D) Sutlej


7. Question No:19 (Topic Name: Indian Coastal)

19. In India how many states share the coast line?

(A) 7

(B) 8

(C) 9

(D) 10


8. Question No:27 (Topic Name: Indian Defense)

The name of India’s first aircraft  carrier is

(A) INS Vikrant

(B) INS Nilgiri

(C) INS Kukri .

(D) INS Himgiri


9. Question No:28 (Topic Name: Disease and Affected Part)

Thalassaemia is a hereditary disease affecting

(A) Blood

(B) Lungs

(C) Heart

(D) Kidney


10. Question No:30 (Topic Name: World Religion)

Taoism is a school of

(A) Chinese philosophy

(B) Japanese philosophy

(C) Buddhist philosophy

(D) Jainism philosophy


11. Question No:39 (Topic Name: Country & Currency)

39. Which country’s currency is the same as its name?

(A) Chile

(B) Israel

(C) Zaire

(D) Ireland


12. Question No:40 (Topic Name: List of Winds)

40. Sirocco is a hot wind from the?

(A) Thar Desert

(B) Patagonian Desert

(C) Sahara Desert

(D) Mongolian Desert


13. Question No:44 (Topic Name: Branch of Science)

44. Eugenics is the study of

(A) Science that deals with improvement of hereditary qualities

(B) People of European origin

(C) Different races of mankind

(D) Genetics of plants


14. Question No:53 (Topic Name: Country & Passes)

53. Pakistan and Afghanisthan are connected by

(A) Bolan pass

(B) Khyber pass

(C) Rohtang pass

(D) Afghan pass


15. Question No:61 (Topic Name: Quotes by Leader/Authors)

61. Who said, A good citizen makes a  Good State and a bad citizen makes a Bad State’?

(A) Aristotle

(B) Plato

(C) Rousseau

(D) Socrates


16. Question No:65 (Topic Name: Books & Authores)

Who wrote ‘My Indian Years’?

(A) Lord Hardinge

(B) Micheal O’Dwyer

(C) Lord Curzon

(D) Lord Wavell


17. Question No:71 (Topic Name: Thermal Power Plants in India)

71. What is Obra?

(A) Copper project in Rajasthan

(B) Super thermal power project in Uttar Pradesh

C) Atomic power plant at Kudankulam

(D) Hydroelectric project in Uttarkhand


18. Question No:76 (Topic Name: Quotes by Leader/Authors)

76. Who gave the slogan, ‘Swaraj is my birthright and I shall have it’?

(A) Mahatma Gandhi

(B) Lai Bahadur Shastri

(C) Bal Gangadhar Tilak

(D) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru


19. Question No:77 (Topic Name: Instrument & Uses)

77. Match the following columns

Column I                   

a. Anemometer 

b. Aneroid


c. Micrometer-

d. Fathometer-


20. Question No:79(Topic Name: United Nation)

Which of the following is not the official language of the United Nations Organization?

(A) Arabic

(B) Chinese

(C) Portuguese

(D) Spanish


21. Question No:79(Topic Name: Indian Defense)

‘Lakshya’ which is a part of Indian

Defence System is a

(A) Surface to air missile

(B) Missile firing submarine

(C) Multibarrel rocket launcher

(D) Pilotless target aircraft