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GK Question of Important Abbreviation |Static GK :131

List of Abbreviation for Competitive Exam

1.        ACS: Automated Clearing System

2.        ACTA: Anti-counterpart Trade Agreement

3.        ADB: Asian Development Bank

4.        ADR: American Depositary Receipt

5.        ADR: American Depository Receipts

6.        AGM: Annual General Meeting

7.        AIDWA: All India Democratic Woman’s Association

8.        AITUC: All India Trade Union Congress

9.        AMFI: Association of Mutual Funds in India

10.      AMRUT: Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation

11.      AO: Additive Outliers

12.      APEC: Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation

13.      APEC: Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

14.      APL: Above Poverty Line

15.      APM: Administered Pricing Mechanism

16.      APY: Atal Pension Yojana

17.      ARC: Asset Reconstruction Company

18.      ARCIL: Asset Reconstruction Company Of India Ltd

19.      ARDR: Agricultural and Rural Debt Relief

20.      ASBA: Application Supported by Block Amount

21.      ASBA: Application Supported By Blocked Amount

22.      ASEAN: Association of South-East Asian Nations

23.      ASEM: Asia-Europe Meeting

24.      ASHA: Accredited Social Health Activist

25.      ASSOCHAM: Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India

26.      ATM: Ante Meridiem

27.      ATM: Asynchronous Transfer Mode

28.      ATM: Automated Teller Machine

29.      ATM: Automated teller machine

30.      AVAM: AAP Volunteer Action Manch

31.      BBBP: Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao

32.      BCBS: Basel committee for Banking Supervision

33.      BCSBI: Banking Codes and Standards Board of India

34.      BIFR: Board For Industrial And Financial Reconstruction

35.      BIFR: Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction

36.      BIS: Bank for International Settlements

37.      BIS: Bureau of Indian Standards

38.      BOLT: BSE On-Line Trading (System)

39.      BOP: Balance of Payments

40.      BOSS: Bharat Operating System Solutions

41.      BOT: Build, Operate and Transfer

42.      BPL: Below Poverty Line

43.      BPO: Business Process Outsourcing

44.      BSCS: Biological Sciences Curriculum Study

45.      BSE: Bombay Stock Exchange

46.      BSR: Basic Statistical Returns

47.      C & AG: Comptroller & Auditor General

48.      CA: Chartered Accountant

49.      CABE: Central Advisory Board of Education

50.      CACP: Commission of Agriculture Cost and Price

51.      CAD: Capital Account Deficit

52.      CAG: Controller and Auditor General of India

53.      CAPART: Council For Advancement Of People Action And Rural

54.      CAR: Capital adequacy ratio

55.      CARE: Credit Analysis & Research Ltd.

56.      CBS: Core banking solution

57.      CC: Cash Credit

58.      CCEA: Cabinet Committee On Economic Affairs

59.      CCI: Competition Commission Of India

60.      CCI: Competition Commission of India

61.      CCIL: Clearing Corporation of India limited

62.      CCIL: Clearing Corporation Of India Ltd

63.      CD: Certificate of Deposit

64.      CDMA: Code Division Multiple Access

65.      CDS: Credit Default Swap

66.      CDSL: Central Securities Depository Limited

67.      CECA: Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement

68.      CEPA: Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement

69.      CFRA: Combined Finance and Revenue Accounts

70.      CHOGM: Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting

71.      CIBIL: Credit Information Bureau (India) Ltd

72.      CII: Confederation of Indian Industry

73.      CIS: Commonwealth of Independent States

74.      CITES: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species

75.      CITU: Centre Of Indian Trade Unions

76.      CMP: Common Minimum Program

77.      CO: Capital Outlay

78.      CP: Commercial Paper

79.      CPI (AL): Consumer Price Index for Agricultural Labors

80.      CPI (IW): Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers

81.      CPI (RL): Consumer Price Index for Rural Labors

82.      CPI (UNME): Customer Price Index for Urban Non-Manual Employees

83.      CPI: Consumer Price Index

84.      CPI: Consumer Price Index

85.      CR: Capital Receipts

86.      CRAR: Capital To Risk Weighted Asset Ratio

87.      CRAR: Capital to Risk Weighted Asset Ratio

88.      CRISIL: Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited

89.      CRMD: Credit Risk Management Department

90.      CRR: Cash Reserve Ratio

91.      CRR: Cash Reserve Ratio

92.      CSIR: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research

93.      CST: Central Sales Tax

94.      CTT: Commodities Transaction Tax

95.      DA: Dearness Allowance; Daily Allowance

96.      DAP: Development Action Plan

97.      DAY: Deen Dayal Upadhyay Antyodaya Yojana

98.      DBOD: Department of Banking Operations & Development

99.      DBS Bank Ltd: The Development Bank of Singapore Ltd.

100.   DBTSK: Direct Benefit Transfer Scheme for Kerosene

101.   DCA: Department of Company Affairs

102.   DCM: Department of Currency Management

103.   DD: Demand Draft

104.   DDS: Data Dissemination Standards

105.   DDT: Dividend Distribution Tax

106.   DDUGJY: Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gram Jyoti Yojana

107.   DFHI: Discount and Finance House of India Ltd.

108.   DFTP: Duty Free Tariff Preference Scheme

109.   DI: Digital India

110.   DICGC: Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation of India

111.   DMA: Departmentalized Ministries Account

112.   DMIC: Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor

113.   DPEP: District Primary Education Program

114.   DSE: Direct Selling Agent

115.   DTAA: Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement

116.   ECA: Essential Commodity Act

117.   ECB: External Commercial Borrowings

118.   ECB: External Commercial Borrowings

119.   ECS: Electronic Clearing Service

120.   ECS: Electronic Clearing System

121.   EDUSAT: Education Satellite

122.   EEE: Exempt Exempt Exempt

123.   EEFC Account: Exchange Earners Foreign Currency Account

124.   EEFC: Exchange Earner Foreign Currency Account

125.   EET: Exempt Exempt Taxation

126.   EEU: Eurasian Economic Union

127.   EFA: Education for All

128.   EFT: Electronic fund transfer

129.   EGOM: Empowered Group of Ministers

130.   ELSS: Equity Linked Saving Scheme

131.   EMI: Equated Monthly Installment

132.   EMS: European Monetary System

133.   EPF: Employees Provident Fund

134.   EPFO: Employees Provident Fund Organization

135.   ERNET: Educational and Research Network

136.   ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning

137.   ESA: European Space Agency

138.   ESCAP: Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacify

139.   ESMA: Essential Services Maintenance Act

140.   ESOP: Employee Stock Option Program

141.   EU: European Union

142.   EXIM Bank: Export – Import Bank of India

143.   EXIM: Export Import Bank of India

144.   EXIM: Export–Import Bank Of India

145.   FAO: Food And Agricultural Organization

146.   FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization

147.   FCCB: Foreign Currency Convertible Bond

148.   FCCB: Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds

149.   FCNR: Foreign Currency (Non-Resident) Accounts Scheme

150.   FCNR: Foreign Currency Non Resident Accounts

151.   FCRA: Forward Contracts Regulation Act

152.   FDI: Foreign Direct Investment

153.   FDI: Foreign Direct Investment

154.   FEDAI: Foreign Exchange Dealers' Association Of India

155.   FEMA: Foreign Exchange Management Act

156.   FEMA: Foreign Exchange Management Act

157.   FERA: Foreign Exchange Regulation Act

158.   FERA: Foreign Exchange Regulations Act

159.   FICCI: Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry

160.   FII: Foreign Institutional Investors

161.   FII: Foreign Institutional Investors

162.   FIMMDA: Fixed Income Money Market & Derivatives Association

163.   FIPB: Foreign Investment Promotion Board

164.   FIPB: Foreign Investment Promotion Board (Of India)

165.   FLCC: Financial Literacy And Credit Counselling

166.   FMCG: Fast Moving Consumer Goods

167.   FPO: Follow On Public Offer

168.   FPO: Follow on Public Offer

169.   FRBM: Fiscal Responsibility And Budget Management

170.   FRBM: Fiscal Responsibility And Management Act

171.   FSDC: Financial Stability Development Council

172.   FSSA: Food Safety And Standards Authority (Of India)

173.   FTA: Free Trade Area

174.   GATT: General Agreement On Tariffs And Trade

175.   GCC: Gulf Cooperation Council

176.   GCC: Gulf Cooperation Council

177.   GDP: Gross Domestic Product

178.   GDR: Global Depositary Receipt

179.   GEF: Global Environment Fund

180.   GIC: General Insurance Corporation

181.   GIC: General Insurance Corporation of India

182.   GNP: Gross National Product

183.   GOI: Government of India

184.   GST: Goods and Service Tax

185.   HDFC: Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited

186.   HDI: Human Development Index

187.   HNI: High Net worth Individual

188.   HRIDAY: Heritage Development and Augmentation Yojana

189.   HSBC: Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited

190.   HUDCO: Housing & Urban Development Corporation

191.   HUDCO: Housing and Urban Development Corporation Ltd.

192.   HUF: Hindu Undivided Family

193.   IAAI: International Airport Authority Of India

194.   IAAS: Indian Audit and Accounts Service

195.   IADF: International Agricultural Development Fund

196.   IAEA: International Atomic Energy Agency

197.   IASB: The International Accounting Standards Board

198.   IBPS: Inter Bank Mobile Payment Service

199.   IBRD: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

200.   ICAI: Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

201.   ICAR: Indian Council of Agricultural Research

202.   ICCW: Indian Council for Child Welfare

203.   ICDS: Integrated Child Development Service

204.   ICICI: Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India

205.   ICICI: Industrial Credit Investment Corporation Of India

206.   ICMR: Indian Council of Medical Research

207.   ICOR: Incremental capital output ratio

208.   ICRA: Investment information and Credit Rating Agency

209.   ICRC: International Committee of Red Cross

210.   IDA: International Development Association

211.   IDBI: Industrial Development Bank of India

212.   IDBI: Industrial Development Bank Of India

213.   IDBI: Industrial Development Bank of India

214.   IDFC: Infrastructure Development Finance Co. Ltd.

215.   IDR: Indian Depository Receipts

216.   IDR: Indian Depository Receipts

217.   IES: Indian Economic Service

218.   IEX: Indian Energy Exchange

219.   IFAD: International Fund for Agricultural Development

220.   IFC: International Finance Corporation

221.   IFCI: Industrial Finance Corporation of India

222.   IFRS: International Financial Reporting Standard

223.   IFSC: Indian Financial System Code

224.   IFTU: International Federation of Trade Unions

225.   IFWJ: Indian Federation of Working Journalists

226.   IIP: Index Of Industrial Production

227.   IIP: The Index of Industrial Production

228.   IIPA: Indian Institute of Public Administration

229.   IISS: International Institute of Strategic Studies

230.   ILO: International Labor Organization

231.   IMF: International Monetary Fund

232.   IMF: International Monetary Fund

233.   IMO: International Maritime Organization

234.   IMRB: Indian Market Research Bureau

235.   Ind AS: Indian Accounting Standards

236.   INMARSAT: International Maritime Satellite Organization

237.   INR: Indian Rupee

238.   INTERPOL: International Police Organization

239.   INTUC: Indian National Trade Union Congress

240.   IOC: International Olympic Committee

241.   IP: Interest Payment

242.   IPCC: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

243.   IPEC: International Program on Elimination Of Child Labor

244.   IPO: Initial public offer

245.   IPR: Intellectual Property Right

246.   IRBI: Industrial Reconstruction Bank of India

247.   IRDA: Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority

248.   IREDA: Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd.

249.   IREP: Integrated Rural Energy Planning

250.   IRFC: Indian Railways Finance Corporation Ltd.

251.   IRNSS: Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System

252.   IRR: Internal Rate Of Return

253.   ISO: International Standardization Organization

254.   ISS: International Space Station

255.   ITDC: Indian Tourism Development Corporation

256.   ITO: International Trade Organization; Income-Tax Officer

257.   ITU: International Tele-Communication Union

258.   JAM: Jan Dhan, Aadhar and Mobile

259.   JNNURM: Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission

260.   KPO: Knowledge Process Outsourcing

261.   KVIC: Khadi & Village Industries Corporation

262.   KYC: Know Your Customer

263.   KYC: Know your customer

264.   LAF: Liquid Adjustment Facility

265.   LAMPS: Large-sized Adivasi Multipurpose Societies

266.   LDC: Least Developed Countries

267.   LFAR: Long Form Audit Report

268.   LIBOR: London Inter Bank Offer Rate

269.   LIBOR: London Inter Bank Offered Rate

270.   LIC: Life Insurance Corporation (Of India)

271.   LIC: Life Insurance Corporation of India

272.   LLP: Limited Liability Partnership

273.   LLP: Limited Liability Partnership

274.   LTCM: Long Term Capital Management

275.   M & A: Merger & Acquisition

276.   MA: Moving Average

277.   MAIT: Manufacturers’ Association for Information Technology

278.   MAT: Minimum Alternative Tax

279.   MCA: Ministry of Company Affairs

280.   MCAP: Market capitalization / Mid cap

281.   MDG: Millennium development goals

282.   MEP: Minimum Export Pric

283.   MFA: Multi-Fiber Agreement

284.   MFI: Micro finance institution

285.   MFIN: Micro finance institution network

286.   MFN: Most Favored Nation

287.   MGNREGA: National Rural Employment Guarantee Act

288.   MHFA: Mission Housing for All Urban

289.   MIBOR: Mumbai Interbank offer rate

290.   MICR: Magnetic Ink Character Recognition Cheque

291.   MICR: Mumbai Interbank offer rate

292.   MII: Make in India

293.   MIN: Mutual fund identification no.

294.   MIS: Marketing Intelligence System

295.   MMMF: Money Market Mutual Funds

296.   MNC: Multi-National Corporation

297.   MRGF: Mortgage Risk Guarantee Fund

298.   MRP: Maximum Retail Price

299.   MRT: Mitochondrial Replacement Therapy

300.   MRTPC: Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Commission

301.   MRTS: Mass Rapid Transit System

302.   MSF: Marginal Standard Facility

303.   MSME: Micro Small and Medium Enterprises

304.   MSP: Minimum support price

305.   MSS: Market Stabilization Scheme

306.   MT: Mail Transfer

307.   MTO: Multilateral Trade Organization

308.   MUDRA: MUDRA Bank Youjana

309.   NABARD: National Bank For Agricultural And Rural Development

310.   NABARD: National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development

311.   NABARD: National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development

312.   NAEP: National Adult Education Program

313.   NAFTA: North America Free Trade Agreement

314.   NAM: Non-Aligned Movement

315.   NAMA: Non-Agriculture Market Access

316.   NASSCOM: National Association of Software and Services Companies

317.   NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization

318.   NAV: Net Asset Value

319.   NBFC: Non-Banking Finance Companies

320.   NCAER: National Council Of Applied Economic Research

321.   NCERT: National Council Of Education Research And Training

322.   NCPCR: National Commission for Protection of Child Rights

323.   NDC: National Development Council

324.   NDMA: National Disaster Management Authority

325.   NDTL: Net Demand Time Liabilities

326.   NEFT: National Electronic Fund Transfer

327.   NEFT: Net Electronic Fund Transfer

328.   NEGP: National E-Governance Plan

329.   NEP: National Education Policy

330.   NERPAP: National Electoral Roll Purification and Authentication Program

331.   NFC: Non-Banking Finance Companies

332.   NFO: New Fund Offers

333.   NGO: Non-Governmental Organization

334.   NHAI: National Highways Authority of India

335.   NHB: National Housing Bank

336.   NHDP: National Highways Development Project

337.   NHRC: National Human Rights Commission

338.   NIC: National Industrial Classification

339.   NIFT: National Institute of Fashion Technology

340.   NIO: National Institute of Oceanography

341.   NITI: National Institution for Transforming India

342.   NLMA: National Literacy Mission Authority

343.   NMCG: National Mission for Clean Ganga

344.   NMDC: National Mineral Development Corporation

345.   NMET: National Mineral Exploration Trust

346.   NNP: Net National Production

347.   NOHFC: non-operative financial holding company

348.   NPA: Non-Performing Asset

349.   NPA: Non-Performing Asset

350.   NPR: National Population Register

351.   NRI: Non-Resident Indian

352.   NSC: National Statistical Commission

353.   NSDL: National Securities Depository Limited

354.   NSE: National Stock Exchange

355.   NSM: National Supercomputing Mission

356.   NSSO: National Sample Survey Organization

357.   NTPC: National Thermal Power Corporation

358.   OD: Over Draft

359.   ODA: Official Development Assistance

360.   OECD: Organization For Economic Cooperation And Development

361.   OECD: Organization of Economic Co-Operation and Development

362.   OFCD: Optionally Fully Convertible Debenture

363.   OGL: Open General License

364.   OIC: Organization of Islamic Countries

365.   OIL: Oil India Limited

366.   OLTAS: Online Tax Accounting System

367.   OMCS: Oil Marketing Companies

368.   OMO: Open Market Operation

369.   ONGC: Oil And Natural Gas Commission

370.   OPEC: Organization For Petroleum Exporting Countries

371.   OPEC: Organization Of Petroleum Exporting Countries

372.   OSCE: Organization For Security And Cooperation In Europe

373.   PAC: Public Accounts Committee

374.   PACS: Primary Agriculture Credit Societies

375.   PahaL: Pratyaksha Hastaantarit Laabh

376.   PAN: Permanent Account Number (Of Income-Tax)

377.   PATA: Pacific-Asia Travel Association

378.   PCI: Per capita income

379.   PD: Primary Deficit

380.   PDO: Public Debt Office

381.   PDS: Public Distribution System

382.   PFC: Power Finance Corporation Ltd.

383.   PIL: Public Interest Litigation

384.   PIN: Personal Identification Number

385.   PIO: Persons Of Indian Origin

386.   PLR: Prime Lending Rate

387.   PM: Post Meridiem

388.   PMFBY: Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana

389.   PMJJBY: Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana

390.   PMKSY: Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana

391.   PMSBY: Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana

392.   PMUY: Pradhan Mantri Ujjawala Yojana

393.   PN: Participatory Note

394.   PNB: Punjab National Bank

395.   PO: Principal Office

396.   POP: Point Of Purchase

397.   POS: Point Of Scale

398.   POTUS: President of the United States

399.   PPF: Public Provident Fund

400.   PPP: Public Private Partnership

401.   PPP: Public private partnership / Purchasing power parity

402.   PPP: Purchasing Power Parity

403.   PRAGATI: Pro-Active Governance and Timely Implementation

404.   PSA: Priority Sector Advances

405.   PSE: Public Sector Enterprises

406.   PSF: Price Stabilization Fund

407.   PSLC: Priority Sector Lending Certificates

408.   PTA: Preferential Trade Area

409.   PURA: Providing urban amenities in rural areas

410.   QIB: Qualified Institutional Buyer

411.   QIB: Qualified Institutional Buyers

412.   QIP: Qualified Institutional Placement

413.   QR: Quantitative Restriction

414.   RBI: Reserve Bank Of India

415.   RBI: Reserve Bank Of India

416.   RCTC: Risk Capital and Technology Finance Corporation Ltd

417.   RDBMS: Relational Database Management System

418.   RE: Revenue Expenditure

419.   REC: Rural Electrification Corporation

420.   REC: Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd.

421.   RIDF: Rural infrastructure development fund

422.   RMB: Renminbi (Chinese)

423.   RR: Revenue Receipts

424.   RRB: Regional Rural Bank

425.   RRPI: Rural Retail Price Index

426.   RSETI: Rural Self Employment Training Institute

427.   RTGS: Real Time Gross Settlement

428.   RTGS: Real Time Gross Settlement

429.   SAARC: South Asian Association for Regional Co-Operation

430.   SAARC: South Asian Association Regional Cooperation

431.   SAFTA: South Asian Free Trade Area

432.   SAIL: Steel Authority of India Limited

433.   SAM: Social Accounting Matrix

434.   SAPTA: SAARC Preferential Trading Agreement

435.   SBI: State Bank of India

436.   SBM: Swacch Bharat Mission

437.   SC: Schedule Caste

438.   SCC: Selective Credit Control

439.   SCICI: Shipping Credit and Investment Company of India Ltd.

440.   SCM: Smart Cities Mission

441.   SCO: Shanghai Cooperation Organization

442.   SCOPE: Standing Conference On Public Enterprises

443.   SDF: shipping declaration form

444.   SDR: Special Drawing Rights

445.   SDR: Special Drawing Rights

446.   SEBI: Securities and Exchange Board of India

447.   SEBI: Security Exchange Board Of India

448.   SEPA: Single Euro Payment Area

449.   SEWA: Self-employed woman’s association

450.   SEZ: Special Economic Zone

451.   SEZ: Special Economic Zones

452.   SFC: State Financial Corporation

453.   SGL: Subsidiary General Ledger

454.   SHC: Soil Health Card Scheme

455.   SIDBI: Small Industrial Development Bank Of India

456.   SIDBI: Small Industries Development Bank of India

457.   SIDBI: Small Industries Development Bank of India

458.   SIMo: Skill India Mission Operation

459.   SIP: Systematic Investment Plan

460.   SLR: Statutory Liquidity Ratio

461.   SLR: Statutory Liquidity Ratio

462.   SME: Small Micro Enterprises

463.   SPMRM: Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban Mission

464.   SPNS: Shared Payment Network System

465.   SSI: Small-Scale Industries

466.   ST: Schedule Tribe

467.   STCI: Securities Trading Corporation Of India

468.   STCI: Securities Trading Corporation of India Ltd.

469.   STDR: Special Term Deposit Receipt

470.   STRIPS: Separate Trading Registered Interest And Principal Securities

471.   STT: Securities Transaction Tax

472.   SWIFT: Society For World Wide Inter Bank Financial Telecommunication

473.   SWIFT: Society for Worldwide Financial Telecommunications

474.   SWOT: Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats

475.   TC: Temporary Change

476.   TDICI: Technology Development and Information Company of India Ltd.

477.   TDS: Tax Deduction at Source

478.   Technology

479.   TFCI: Tourism Finance Corporation of India Ltd.

480.   TIFR: Tata Institute Of Fundamental Research

481.   TIN: Tax Information Network

482.   TINXSYS: Tax Information Exchange System

483.   TISCO: Tata Iron and Steel Company

484.   TLCs: Tech Learning Centres

485.   TPDS: Targeted Public Distribution System

486.   TRAI: Telecom Regulatory Authority Of India

487.   TRIMS: Trade Related Investment Measures

488.   TRIPS: Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights

489.   TRYSEM: Training Of Rural Youth For Self Employment

490.   TT: Telegraphic Transfer

491.   UCO: United Commercial Bank

492.   ULIP: Unit Linked Insurance Plan

493.   UN: United Nations

494.   UNCTAD: United Nations Conference On Trade And Development

495.   UNDP: United Nations Development Program

496.   UNEF: United Nations Emergency Force

497.   UNEP: United Nations Environment Program

498.   UNFCCC: United nation framework convention on climate change

499.   UNFPO: United Nations Fund For Population Activities

500.   UNHCR: United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees

501.   UNHRC: United Nations Human Rights Commission

502.   UNICEF: United Nations International Children’s (Emergency) Fund

503.   UNIDO: United Nations Industrial Development Organization

504.   UNRRA: United Nations Relief And Rehabilitation Administration

505.   UPI: Unified Payment Interface

506.   US: United States

507.   USD: US Dollars

508.   USE: United Stock Exchange

509.   USP: Unique Selling Proposition

510.   UTI: Unit Trust of India

511.   VAT: Value-Added Tax

512.   VC: Venture Capital

513.   VDIS: Voluntary Disclosure Of Income Scheme

514.   VRS: Voluntary Retirement Scheme

515.   WEF: World Economic Forum

516.   WFP: World Food Program

517.   WHO: World Health Organization

518.   WIPO: World Intellectual Property Organization

519.   WPI: Wholesale Price Index