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GK Question of Vitamins |Static GK :128

Important information about Vitamins

Water Soluble Vitamins: Vitamins C and B-Complex.

Fat Soluble Vitamins:  Vitamin A, D, E and K .


Vitamin A:

Sources: Milk, Eggs,Fish, Butter, Fortified Magarine,Cheese,Green & Yellow fruits and Vegetables, Sweet Potatoes, Pumpkin, Mangoes, Beet greens, Dark Green leaf Vegetables.

Diseases caused by  deficiency: Skin Abnormalities, Night Blindness


Vitamin D:

Sources: Eggs, Fatty Fish, Butter, Magarine, Milk.

Direct Sunlight is the best & an abundant source of Vitamin D.

Diseases caused by deficiency: Rickets in Children and osteomalacia in adults.


Vitamin E:

Sources: Meats, Poultry, Eggs, Vegetable oils, nuts, Olives, Tomatoes, Papaya, Blueberries, Sunflower seeds and Kiwi fruits.

Diseases caused by  deficiency: No clear evidence of disease is found.


Vitamin K:

Sources: Soyabean, Spinach, Cottonseed, Canola and olive.

Diseases caused by deficiency:  Impaired Blood Clotting that can cause easy bruising and bleeding diathesis.


Vitamin C:

Sources: Almost every fruits and vegetables contains some amount of Vitamin C. But Generally Green peppers, White Potatoes, Citrus fruits and vegetables, Strawberries, Tomatoes, Broccoli and Turnip Greens.

Diseases caused by  deficiency: Scurvy, Anemia, Decreased ability to fight infections and Slow Metabolism that results in weight loss and Dryness.


Vitamin B1:

Sources: Yeast, Whole Grains, Lean pork, Nuts, Legumes, thiamine enriched Cereal Products.

Diseases caused by  deficiency: Beri-Beri


Vitamin B2:

Sources: Whole Grains, Yogurt, Organ Meats, Nuts, Cheese, Eggs, Milk, Lean meat, Legumes:

Diseases caused by  deficiency: Fissures in the corner of Mouth, Tongue inflammation.


Vitamin B3:

Sources: Peanuts, Lean Meats, legumes, whole grain or enriched bread and cereal products.

Diseases caused by  deficiency: Diarrhea, Skin Disease and Dementia.


Vitamin B5:

Sources: Liver, Kidney, Eggs and all dairy Products

Diseases caused by  deficiency: There is no natural disease.


Vitamin B6:

Sources: Liver, Organ Meats, Corn, Whole grain Seeds & Cereals.

Diseases caused by  deficiency: Low production of hemoglobin, Nervous system disorders.


Vitamin B7:

Sources: Egg Yolk, Kidney, Liver, Tomatoes, Yeast

Diseases caused by  deficiency:  No disease still found.


Vitamin B9:

Sources: Green Vegetables and Fruits like apples, Oranges, Dried Beans, Avacados, Sunflower seeds and Wheat germ.

Diseases caused by  deficiency:  Its Deficiency during pregnancy is associated with birth defects, such as neural tube defects.


Para-aminobenzoic acid:

Sources: It is incorporated into Folic Acid molecule and there is no source of it in the Plants and Animal Domain.

Diseases caused by  deficiency: -


Vitamin B12:

Sources: It is found in animal tissues as liver, kidney and Heart of Ruminants.

Diseases caused by  deficiency: Megaloblastic Anemia.