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List of Important Instrument and Uses |Static GK :124

GK Question of Important Instrument and Uses

1.      Accumulator: Device used to store energy

2.      Alcoholmeter: Used in measuring the density of alcohol and police officers use the same for checking alcohol levels in drivers during road safety checkups

3.      Altimeter: Common instrument used in measuring altitude and the use of the same is seen in aircrafts

4.      Ammeter: Measures electric current

5.      Anemometer: Measures force and velocity of wind but it is also helpful in determining the direction of wind

6.      Audiometer: For evaluating the hearing ability of a person

7.      Barograph: For continuous recording of atmospheric pressure

8.      Barometer: To measure atmospheric pressure

9.      Binocular: To view distant objects

10.    Biometer: To measure carbon dioxide produced by living bodies

11.    Bolometer: To measure infrared or heat radiation

12.    Calipers: To measure internal and external diameter of objects

13.    Calorimeter: To measure exactly how much heat is released or absorbed

14.    Campbell Stokes Recorder: Records the hours of bright sunshine

15.    Carburettor: For mixing up fuel and air in an internal combustion engine

16.    Cardiograph: Used in tracing the movements of heart and heart beat

17.    Cathetometer: For the accurate measurement of small differences of height; esp. of the differences in the height of the upper surfaces of two columns of mercury or other fluid

18.    Chronometer: This is a type of clock which determines the time and longitude of a vessel at sea surface

19.    Cinematograph: Its a motion picture film camera, which also serves as a film projector and developer

20.    Crane: The most used machine for moving heavy objects and construction purposes

21.    Crescograph: For determining the growth rate of plants

22.    Cyclotron: A charged particle accelerator which can accelerate charged particles to high energies

23.    Durometer: To measure the hardness of a material

24.    Dynamo: Used in converting mechanical energy into electrical energy

25.    Dynamometer: Measures electrical power

26.    Electrodynamometer: Instrument for measuring current, voltage or power in both AC & DC circuits

27.    Electroencephalograph (EEC): Records and interprets the electrical waves of the brain recorded on electroencephalograms

28.    Electrometer: Measures very small potential difference in electric current

29.    Electroscope: Detects presence and magnitude of electric charge on a body

30.    Electrostatic analyzer: Used in ion optics that employs an electric field to allow the passage of only those ions or electrons that have a given specific energy

31.    Encephalogram: To record the electrical activity of neurons inside the brain

32.    Endoscope: For examining internal organs of the body

33.    Epidiascope: Used to project the image of opaque objects

34.    Eudiometer: Measures the change in volume of gas mixture after a chemical or physical change

35.    Evaporimeter: Also called Atmometer, its used to measure the rate of evaporation from a wet surface

36.    Fathometer: To measure depth of sea in any place

37.    Fluxmeter: For measuring magnetic flux

38.    Galvanometer: For detecting and measuring electric currents

39.    Geiger counter: Its a particle detector which also measures radiation levels

40.    Gravimeter: For measuring variations in the Earth's gravitational field

41.    Hail Pad: To estimate the strength of the impact of hailstones

42.    Hydraulic intensifier: Its a hydraulic machine for transforming hydraulic power at low pressure into a reduced volume at higher pressure

43.    Hydrometer: To measure the relative density of liquids; that is, the ratio of the density of the liquid to the density of water

44.    Hydrophone: Used underwater for recording or listening to underwater sound

45.    Hygrometer: For finding out the level of humidity that is used in cricket matches, climatic centers etc.

46.    Hypsometer: To estimate the height above sea level

47.    Inclinometer: To measure the inclination of a surface relative to the gravity

48.    Infrared thermometer: To measure temperature of objects from a distance using the infrared wave emitted by the object due to thermal activities

49.    Katharometer: Device for measuring thermal conductivity

50.    Kymograph: For recording variations in pressure, as of the blood, or in tension, as of a muscle, by means of a pen or stylus that marks a rotating drum

51.    Lactometer: To measure the relative density of milk to find its purity and in dairy farms, milk collecting centers etc.

52.    Magnetometer: To measure the strength, and, in some cases, direction of the magnetic field

53.    Manometer: For measuring pressure of gases

54.    Mariners Compass: For determining direction. Used by mariners, ship crew, etc.

55.    Micrometer: This is a gauge  which is used for accurate measurement of small distances

56.    Microphone: Used in converting sound waves into electrical energy which is transmitted to wire to the desired location

57.    Microscope: This instrument is used in the determination of small objects and their magnified view is made possible by the same

58.    Nephelometer: Measures the scattering of light by particles suspended in a liquid

59.    Net radiometer: Net radiometer is an instrument which is used to measure the net radiation

60.    Neutron probe: Neutron probe is used to measure the amount of water or wetness presence in soil. It is used mainly in agriculture science

61.    Odometer: This is same as a speed tracer as it is used in finding out the distance travelled by wheeled vehicles

62.    Ohmmeter: Measures electrical resistance

63.    Oscillograph: Oscillograph is an instrument which is used to measure and record a varying electric current also called alternating current

64.    Periscope: The instrument is commonly in hands of sub – mariners and it is used for vision of objects above the sea level from the down part of sea

65.    pH meter: pH meter is an instrument which is used to measure the pH or acidity and alkalinity of a liquid

66.    Phonometer: This is useful in finding out the intensity of sound

67.    Photometer: This is used in comparison of luminous intensity of the sources of light

68.    Planimeter: Used to determine the area of an arbitrary two-dimensional shape

69.    Polygraph: Instrument that simultaneously records change in physiological processes such as heartbeat, blood pressure and respiration-used as a lie detecter

70.    Potentiometer: Potentiometer is used to measure the electrical state between two objects.  It is also used as variable resistance

71.    Pyknometer: To measure the density and co-efficient of expansion of liquid

72.    Pyranometer: Used to measure short wave radiation which is very energetic

73.    Pyrheliometer: To measure solar radiations

74.    Pyrometer: Measure very high temperature

75.    Quadrant: To measure altitudes and angles in navigation and astronomy

76.    Radar: Radar is an instrument to detect the presence and shape of objects in it’s range using microwave

77.    Radiator: Radiator is an instruments which dissipates heat from engines

78.    Radio micrometer (Radiometer): To measure heat radiations

79.    Rain Gauge: A rain gauge measures the amount of rainfall. The standard rain gauge consists of a long, narrow cylinder capable of measuring rainfall up to 8 inches

80.    Refractometer: To measure the refractive index of a substance

81.    Resistance Thermometer: An accurate type of thermometer in which temperature is measured by determining the electrical resistance of a coil of thin wire

82.    Rotameter: Used to measure the rate of flow of fluids or liquid and gas inside a closed tube

83.    Saccharimeter: To measure the amount of sugar needed and the amount of sugar dissolved in a solution

84.    Salinometer: To determine the concentration of salt solutions by measuring their densities. It is a type of hydrometer

85.    Seismometer: This is used in recording the intensity and origin of earthquakes and also useful in richer scale

86.    Sextant: Used to measure the angular distance between two objects

87.    Solar cell: Cell that converts solar energy into electrical energy

88.    Spectrometer: Measures the spectral line and is useful in spectrometry and is used in many purposes like identification of elements

89.    Spectroscope: To analyse spectrum of light

90.    Speedometer: Measures the speed of motor vehicles and also to find the speed limit of driving

91.    sphygmometer: Used for checking the blood pressure

92.    Spring balance: To measure the mass of a body and is preferred only when quick but approximate determinations are to be carried out

93.    Stereoscope: To see two dimensional pictures as having depth and solidity

94.    Stethoscope: The instrument used by Doctors to find out the heart and lung sounds but helpful in their analysis too

95.    Stopwatch: To measure small duration of time in sports events etc.

96.    Stroboscope: Used to make a cyclically moving object appear to be slow-moving, or stationary

97.    Tacheometer/Tachymeter: Used to measure distances, elevations and bearings during survey

98.    Tachometer: To determine speed, especially the rotational speed of a shaft (Used in aeroplanes and motor-boats)

99.    Tangent galvanometer: To measure the strength of direct current

100. Telemeter: Records physical happenings at a distant place

101. Teleprinter: Used to send and receive typed messages from point to point and point to multipoint over various types of communications channels

102. Telescope: Used in astronomical studies and helps in viewing distant objects and can be also magnified

103. Tensiometer: Used to measure the surface tension of liquids

104. Theodolite: Measures horizontal and vertical angles

105. Thermometer: Used in measurement of temperature

106. Thermostat: Senses the temperature of a system so that the system's temperature is maintained near a desired setpoint

107. Tonometer: Measures the pitch of sound

108. Transponder: Used to receive a signal and transmit an reply immediately

109. Udometer: Used by meteorologists and hydrologists to gather and measure the amount of liquid precipitation over a set period of time

110. Urinometer: Used for determining urine specific gravity

111. Venturimeter: Measures rate of flow of liquids

112. Viscometer: Used to measure the viscosity of a fluid

113. Voltmeter: Used for measuring electrical potential difference between two points in an electric circuit

114. Wattmeter: Measures the power of an electric circuit

115. Wind vane: Used to find the direction of wind