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List of Country and Parliament Name in the world | Static GK : 8

GK Question: Country Name and Parliament Name in the world

1.    Iceland: Althing

2.    Germany: Bundestag (Lower House) and Bundesrat (Upper House)

3.    Greece: Chamber of Deputies

4.    Luxembourg: Chamber of Deputies

5.    Italy: Chamber of Deputies and Senate

6.    Colombia: Congress

7.    USA :Congress

8.    East Timor: Constituent Assembly

9.    Bahrain: Consultative Council

10. Spain: Cortes

11. Japan: Diet

12. Russia: Duma & Federal Council

13. Finland: Eduskusta (Parliament)

14. Montenegro: Federal Assembly

15. Ethiopia: Federal Council and House of Representative

16. Australia: Federal Parliament

17. Denmark: Folketing

18. Bahamas: General Assembly

19. Andorra: General Council

20. Libya: General People’s Congress

21. Turkey: Grand National Assembly

22. Romania: Great National Assembly

23. Mongolia: Great People’s Khural

24. Bangladesh: Jatia Parliament

25. Magnolia: Khural

26. El Salvador: Legislative Assembly

27. Comoros: Legislative Council and Senate

28. Costa Rice: Legislative Council and Senate

29. Malaysia: Majilis

30. Maldives: Majilis

31. Iran: Majlis

32. Saudi Arabia: Majlis Al-Shura

33. Azerbaijan: Melli Majlis

34. Oman: Monarchy

35. Bulgaria: Narodno Sabranie

36. Austria: National Assembly

37. Belize: National Assembly

38. Botswana: National Assembly

39. Brunei: National Assembly

40. Cambodia: National Assembly

41. France: National Assembly

42. Guyana: National Assembly

43. Hungary: National Assembly

44. Iraq: National Assembly

45. Jordan: National Assembly

46. Korea(South): National Assembly

47. Kuwait: National Assembly

48. Lebanon: National Assembly

49. Vietnam: National Assembly

50. Zambia: National Assembly

51. Pakistan: National Assembly & Senate

52. Lesotho: National Assembly and Senate

53. Cuba: National Assembly of People’s Power

54. Argentina: National Congress

55. Bolivia: National Congress

56. Brazil: National Congress

57. Ecuador: National Congress

58. Papua New Guinea: National Parliament

59. Algeria: National People’s Assembly

60. Angola: National People’s Assembly

61. China: National People’s Assembly

62. Madagascar: National People’s Assembly

63. Ireland: Oireachtas

64. Uzbekistan: Oliy Majlis

65. Canada: Parliament

66. Great Britain: Parliament

67. South Africa: Parliament

68. Zimbabwe: Parliament

69. Britain: Parliament (House of Commons and House of Lords)

70. New Zealand: Parliament (House of Representative)

71. Albania: People’s Assembly

72. Egypt: People’s Assembly

73. Mozambique: People’s Assembly

74. Indonesia: People’s Consultative Assembly

75. Laos: People’s Supreme Assembly

76. Myanmar: Pyithu Hluttaw

77. Nepal: Rashtriya Panchayat

78. Congo Democratic: Rep. of National Legislative Council

79. Croatia: Sabor

80. Latvia: Saeima

81. India: Sansad

82. Lithuania: Seimas

83. Poland: Sejm

84. Paraguay: Senate & Chamber of Deputies

85. Fiji Islands: Senate & House of Representative

86. Afghanistan: Shora

87. Netherlands: States-General (Staten-General)

88. Norway: Storting

89. Korea(North): Supreme People’s Assembly

90. Philippines: The Congress

91. Israel: The Knesset

92. Bhutan: Tsogdu

93. Taiwan: Yuan